This is the offshoot of the collective efforts made by various industry stakeholders that started in 2019. The Board of Investments (BOI) together with the Cold Chain Association of the Philippines, Inc. (CCAP) and Department of Agriculture (DA), other concerned government agencies, and private individuals collaborated to showcase the following: where the industry is at present, where the industry would like to go, and what are the plans to get there to sufficiently meet local demand and customer requirements and empower the industry.
The roadmap launch is timely and relevant as the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) as Undersecretary Ceferino Rodolfo said, “the pandemic brought the realization of the importance of the cold chain industry in terms of securing the stable supply of essential food products, prolonging shelf life, preventing food wastage, and building raw materials inventory to pave the way for a higher value-added process”. It will additionally be of critical importance to the import of vaccines to combat the coronavirus. He assures that this roadmap is geared to face the new and better normal challenges and is made flexible to anticipate shifts in business models and regulations while adopting the Whole of Nation (WON) approach strategy.BOI Governor Atty. Marjorie Samaniego said, “the launch of the roadmap is only the beginning, and the real challenge lies in its implementation. However, challenges will be defeated through the continued support, enthusiasm, and commitment of all the relevant stakeholders”.
The virtual launch was hosted by the Board of Investments (BOI) on 14 December 2020. For more information visit the BOI website at philippines.business@boi.gov.ph. KJDA