The Philippines will renew its special incentive arrangement on the EU GSP+ for competitive advantage. This Generalized Scheme of Preferences (GSP) allows duty-free exports (under 6,000 tariff lines) to the European Union. This enables cheaper entry of Philippine goods into the EU market. Continue reading The Philippines to renew EU-GSP+ in 2023 for competitive advantage
Category Archives: Latest News
ASEAN post-pandemic resurgence seen with RCEP
In a joint media statement of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) released after the inaugural RCEP Ministers’ Meeting last September 18, 2022, the role of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) in ASEAN post- pandemic resurgence has been highlighted. Continue reading ASEAN post-pandemic resurgence seen with RCEP
EDC chairs the PNSW monitoring and oversight cluster
Nominated to chair the Philippine National Single Window’s (PNSW) Monitoring and Oversight Cluster, the Export Development Council (EDC) shall oversee the coordination of the executive departments and agencies’ participation in and execution of the NSW. The cluster is made up of representatives from various agencies in charge of managing the policies, rules, and standards for approving or granting licenses for the importation and exportation of commodities free from duties and taxes.
Continue reading EDC chairs the PNSW monitoring and oversight cluster
IFEX Philippines recognizes daring and creative food products in Katha Awards 2022
The International Food Exhibition (IFEX) Philippines resumed the onsite trade show after two and half years of lockdown with the pandemic. Daring and creative companies on food exports were recognized during the Katha Awards 2022. Continue reading IFEX Philippines recognizes daring and creative food products in Katha Awards 2022
DTI highlights 10 Key Priorities for the Trade Industry

The key priorities aim to create opportunities for DTI and the private sector to work together for shared goals. These will also be the new administration’s focus on improving trade and industry, including export expansion believed to help in job generation and economic recovery in general. Continue reading DTI highlights 10 Key Priorities for the Trade Industry
DICT intensifies the ICT Ecosystem adapting to pandemic impact
The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) intensifies its programs/ action plans for developing the ICT Ecosystem to adapt to the impact of the pandemic and ensure various sectors’ capacity to participate in the country’s economic recovery.
Consistent with the Memorandum Circular. No. 27 that mandates the implementation of the Philippine Export Development Plan (PEDP), the DICT shall provide support to 1) promotion of trade and investment opportunities, especially in the ICT and ICT-Enabled Services sectors, 2) push for the use of ICT to automate government regulatory processes, and 3) synchronize government systems to ensure ease of doing business.
Among the DICT initiatives to drive the development of the PH ICT ecosystem is the Digital Cities 2025 Project which aims to boost the Information Technology and Business Process Management (IT-BPM) Industry.
Moreover, through its ICT Industry Development Bureau (IIDB), the DICT will give startup founders access to government funding through the Digital Startup Development and Acceleration Program (DSDAP), which supports innovators and startups across the country.
DICT also boosts skills development programs such as (1) digitaljobsPH, which aims to provide basic digital literacy and intermediate ICT skills training in the countryside, allowing Filipinos to avail ICT-enabled jobs; (2)Tech4ED, which allows Filipinos to have access to shared facilities with various ICT-enabled services; (3) Digital Transformation Centers (DTCs), a venue where digital skills will be developed and acquired; (4) Digital Learners and Teachers Project to address pressing challenges in the delivery of basic education in the new normal; and the (5) ICT Academy Project under the Digital Workforce Initiative, a platform for upskilling and reskilling Filipinos.
Secretary Ivan John E. Uy presented the following DICT initiatives during the 43rd National Conference of Employees of Employers Confederation of the Philippines (ECOP) with the theme of “Reimagining the Future of Employment: From Policies to Actions” on 26 August 2022 at Mariott Hotel, Manila.
For updates and further information, visit the DICT website:
PBBM vows to streamline further the BOC processes
President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. (PBBM), in his first State of the Nation Address (SONA), vows to promote streamlined processes in the Bureau of Customs (BOC). Exporters may look forward to a modernized customs administration with global standards during his administration.
BOC started the works and officially launched the Philippine Customs Modernization Program, reducing manual encoding and paper-based processes into complete computerized customs systems on 26 March 2021. This modernization aims to streamline operations and processes by upgrading its systems, procedures, and operational activities. For more information, visit
Business Organizations uphold the decoupling of the PPA
Business organizations, namely Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI), Philippine Exporters Confederation, Inc. (PHILEXPORT), and Supply Chain Management of the Philippines (SCMAP) once again expressed their support for the decoupling of the Philippine Ports Authority (PPA).
PCCI President George Barcelon, PHILEXPORT President Sergio Ortiz-Luis, Jr., and SCMAP President Pierre Curay, altogether signed a letter expressing their strong support for the House Bill (HB) No. 1400 filed by Rep. Bernadette Herrara-Dy, proposing to decouple the conflicting regulatory and commercial functions of the PPA. Continue reading Business Organizations uphold the decoupling of the PPA
43rd NCE: Reimagining the Future of Employment from Policies to Action
Newly appointed Department Secretaries: Trade Secretary Alfredo Pascual, Labor Secretary Bienvenido Laguesma, NEDA Secretary Arsenio Balisacan, Tourism Secretary Ma. Esperanza Christina Garcia-Frasco, TESDA Director General Danilo Cruz, together with the DOTr Undersecretary for Planning and Project Development Atty. Timothy John Batan (presented on behalf of Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista), presented their respective agencies’ policies, plans, and actions at the 43rd National Conference of Employers (NCE) with the theme “Reimagining the Future of Employment: From Policies to Actions”.
This annual event brings together business executives, key government partners, foreign investors, chambers of commerce, and industry leaders to discuss important and developing employment issues, triangular partnerships, worker welfare, economic programs, and difficulties in the workplace. The conference addresses job creation, preservation, and transformation under the concept of “employment generation as a recovery strategy.” Continue reading 43rd NCE: Reimagining the Future of Employment from Policies to Action
HOR supports new Administration Priorities and Gameplans for Economic Recovery
Hon. Ferdinand Martin G. Romualdez, Speaker of the House of Representatives (HOR), presented the new Administration’s Economic Legislative Agenda: Priorities and Gameplans at the PCCI General Membership Meeting on 04 August 2022 at Makati Diamond Residences.
Speaker Romualdez highlighted several goals and initiatives of the New Administration, i.e., job creation, poverty reduction, food security, reduction of transport and logistics cost, as well as energy costs to families, addressing health concerns, strengthening of social protection programs in terms of face to face classes, enhance bureaucratic efficiency, and sound fiscal management. Continue reading HOR supports new Administration Priorities and Gameplans for Economic Recovery