The Bureau of Customs (BOC) extends the use of existing prepaid accounts until 15 June 2021. Said account is used in paying duties, taxes, and other charges for all goods declaration lodged through the Electronic to Mobile (E2M) system. Accountholders are still allowed to deposit and consume balance in existing prepaid accounts within the said period.
This initiative will also avoid delays on cargo release and give ample time for the stakeholders to comply with the new regulations on prepayments accounts. This announcement is stated in BOC Memorandum issued on 26 May 2021.
The Export Development Council (EDC) and Semiconductor and Electronics Industries in the Philippines, Inc. (SEIPI) had firmly advocated for the extension of the use of existing prepaid accounts to avoid delays in cargo releases and to give ample time for the stakeholders to create their alternative prepayment accounts and be familiarized with the new regulations.
For further clarifications, you may visit the BOC website at https://customs.gov.ph or email Ms. Lisa Absalon of BOC-MISTG at basilisa.absalon@customs.gov.ph or Ms. Babes Gutierrez of e-Konek at babes.gutierrez@ekonek.com. –MRJ