EDC, DTI-EMB, and PHILEXPORT to conduct PEDP 2023-2028 Regionalization nationwide

The Export Development Council (EDC), the DTI-Export Marketing Bureau (EMB), and PHILEXPORT will conduct the Philippine Export Development Plan (PEDP) 2023-2028 Regionalization Roadshow nationwide. The event will feature presentations, workshops, and seminars to bring together exporters, would-be exporters, government agencies, LGUs, academe, and media in the top exporting regions of Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. With the primary aim of cascading the government agencies Programs, Activities, Projects (PAPs) supportive of the implementation of the PEDP, participants will acquire a firsthand understanding of the strategic direction and targets outlined in the plan. To read more about it, click this link  .

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EDC surge endorsement of Travel Tax Exemption as global economy opens

As the global economy opens with the resumption of International Trade Shows, the Export Development Council (EDC) receives a surge in endorsement of Travel Tax Exemption (TTE) applications for participation in international events. The EDC has endorsed five hundred fourteen applications (514) to the Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA) for the period January to August 2023. This is a solid proof that we are now in the New or Next Normal. It reflected a significant increase compared to the previous years of 2020-2022 due to the pandemic. In 2022, only a total of forty-one (41) applications were endorsed by the EDC from the same period as of this year. The TTE applications are expected to increase further in the last quarter of 2023.

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2023 PH (RIA) Training Workbook to foster regulatory efficiency

ARTA Secretary Ernesto V. Perez led the launching ceremony of the 2023 Philippine Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) Training Workbook on August 15, 2023, at the Novotel Manila. 

The RIA Training Workbook is a comprehensive guide for implementing government agencies, including their respective offices and exporters, enabling them to carry out and embrace the RIA process effectively. The workbook offers systematic instructions, equipping them with essential knowledge and tools to navigate regulatory requirements, optimize efficiency, and foster an environment conducive to growth. 

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PBBM embraces public-private collaboration to develop PH as key player in e-vehicle industry

PBBM welcomed the public-private sector collaboration to develop the e-vehicle industry in the country during the Private Sector Advisory Council (PSAC) Job Sector Groups (JSG) Meeting on 17 August 2023.

With this collaboration, this could help the PH exporters as they can potentially export locally manufactured electric vehicles and EV components to other countries. As global demand for electric vehicles grows, there may be opportunities for Philippine manufacturers to tap into international markets.

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MSME Guidebook for Disaster Resilience launched!

The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) Guide to Disaster Resilience book was launched to have a better understanding of the basic concepts of disaster risk education and management, and business continuity practices. 

This book serves as a reference material for MSMEs) for future disaster awareness and management. It also includes sample toolkits and exercises which can help MSMEs develop their own emergency preparedness and business continuity plans.

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EDC to cascade the PEDP 2023-2028 at Regionalization Roadshow

The Export Development Council (EDC) in partnership with the DTI-Export Marketing Bureau and PHILEXPORT, gears up to cascade the promotion of the Philippine Export Development Plan (PEDP) 2023-2028 in the regions. The EDC will commence the PEDP Regionalization activities starting the latter part of August to middle of November, through a series of Seminars and Workshops at identified top exporting regions in Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao, specifically in (1) NCR, (2) Region III-Pampanga, (3) Region IV-A-Laguna (CALABARZON), (4) Region VI-A-Iloilo City, (5) Region VII-Cebu City, (6) Region X-Cagayan de Oro City, (7) Region XI-Davao City and (8) Region XII-General Santos. 

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ARTA gears up Green Lanes for Strategic Investments under EO 18

The Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA) gears up to implement Green Lanes for Strategic Investments under Executive Order (EO) 18, series of 2023. Said EO defines those that are aligned with the Philippine Development Plan or any equivalent national development plan and can be characterized by significant capital or investment in the country as a strategic investment.

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ARISE PH launch Guidebook on Exporting to EU

ARISE Plus Philippines launched the business guidebook aimed to help improve the Philippines’ access to the European Union (EU) market and utilize the EU Generalized Systems of Preferences (EU -GSP+) scheme.

The guidebook provides technical and regulatory requirements to be completed within the Philippines to export to the EU, and measures to meet to cross the EU border. 

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MIF to drive PH’s Meaningful Economic Transformation

The Maharlika Investment Fund (MIF), was signed into law by President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. to drive PH’s meaningful economic transformation, including boosting infrastructure development, creating high-quality jobs, and pursuing its initiatives to become an investment-friendly nation. This means increasing the capacity and capability to make profitable investments, such as the Build-Better-More program. 

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