House Committee on Transportation pushes bills URGENT to address high international shipping cost

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 The House Committee on Transportation pushes house bills as URGENT to regulate international shipping line charges in the Philippines.
The issue of high shipping cost has been a long-standing problem in the country, and house bills 4462 and 4316 acknowledge that it has been prevailing since not one agency once stepped in and addressed it.
House Bill 4462 sponsored by Rep. Ong, once passed, will vest the Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) the power to promote fair and transparent destination and other shipping charges among forwarders and agents of international shipping lines.

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The Global Islamic Economy adapts to the new normal

The Global Islamic economy adapts to the new normal in the global market, which involves Halal food, modest fashion, media & recreation, Muslim-friendly travel, Halal pharmaceuticals, Halal cosmetics, and Islamic finance. 

The Halal food industry continues to grow even if the meat supply chain has been disrupted by the pandemic. Consumers were exposed to the consumption of alternatives to animal protein (e.g., plant-based burgers). Halal cosmetics were also affected, but the industry remains resilient and adapted to the trend in the new normal, which created the opportunity for new product lines such as hand and face creams and sanitizers.

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Duterte empowers streamlining initiatives by creating a Cabinet-Level Office to cut red tape

President Rodrigo Duterte created the Office of the Presidential Adviser on Streamlining of Government Process (OPASGP) through  Executive Order (EO) no. 129 signed 13 April 2021. Secretary Leoncio “Jun” Evasco Jr., as the newly appointed Presidential Adviser to streamline government processes will work closely with the Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA). 

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Consumer demand for healthier food ingredients

Exporters foresee consumer demand for healthier food ingredients trending in the next two years as London-based market research firm Mintel Group Ltd forecasted consumers will demand food ingredients that will benefit their physical and mental health. Consumers are now seeking ways to help strengthen their immune system and protect them against the Covid-19 virus.

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Free Pesticide Residue Analysis test for agricultural export products reinstated by DA

Secretary of Agriculture William Dar directed the Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI) and its satellite laboratories to reinstated the free Pesticide Residue Analysis (PRA) tests to duly accredited exporters and farmers in order to boost the country’s agricultural exports.

The Department of Agriculture (DA) released Administrative Order No. 11, discontinuing the charging of fees for all fresh and primary processed fruits and vegetables for export. This came about as the result of an appeal to the DA and BPI made by the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI), the Philippine Exporters Confederation, Inc. (PHILEXPORT), and the Philippine Food Exporters (PHILFOODEX), led by EDC Vice Chair Sergio Ortiz-Luis, Jr. and EDC Agriculture Sector Representative Roberto Amores.

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BOC temporarily suspends the Automated Bonds Management System on transit shipments

The Bureau of Customs (BOC) temporarily suspends the Automated Bonds Management System (ABMS) implementation on transit shipments under CMO 30-2020  from 15 March 2021 up to 04 April 2021.

CMO 30-2020 applies to all Transit Bond Accounts opened under the electronic-to-mobile (E2M) Customs System in all Collection Districts, including sub-ports and other BOC offices.
This policy deferment was adopted to avoid further delays in the delivery of raw materials needed for export. The Value-Added Service Providers (VASPs) encountered system glitches wherein transit shipments bound for PEZA zones cannot be seen in the system to be tagged “ARRIVED” as it reaches the zone.

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ARTA mandates the on-boarding of 73 TRGAs to the TradeNet platform

The Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA) directs the mandatory onboarding of the 73 Trade Regulatory Government Agencies (TRGAs) to the TradeNet through the issuance of Memorandum Circular (MC) 2021-01 last 05 March 2021.  TradeNet is an online platform that harmonizes all licenses and permits for imports and exports.

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Central Business Portal Rolled-out to boost PH Ease of Doing Business

The Central Business Portal (CBP) was rolled out to boost the Philippines’ Ease of Doing Business. CBP is a one-stop-shop for all business-related transactions such as securing business permits, licenses, and clearances. This is one of the primary initiatives of the Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA) with the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) and other government agencies.

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