PH export continues the bullish trend in 2022

The PH export performance continues to grow from the previous year to the early quarter of 2022. January 2022 exports increased by 8.9%, amounting to USD 6.04B from USD 5.55B in January 2021.

Electronics leads the top five export products, which contributed about US$3.50B with a 58 % share of the total goods in January 2022. Followed by other manufactured goods with 7.5%, Cathodes & Sections of Cathodes with 3.8%, Coconut oil with 3.0%, Ignition wiring sets and other wiring sets used in vehicles, aircraft, and ships at 2.9% share.

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Zero Backlog Policy, Paigtingin! 3-7-20, Laging Sundin!

ARTA is the government agency mandated to administer, implement, and monitor compliance with the national policy on anti-red tape and the “Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery Act of 2018”.

The strengthened version of the law aims to facilitate prompt actions or resolutions of all government transactions. It applies to all government offices, agencies, and other government instrumentalities, whether located in the Philippines or abroad.

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EDC lauds BOC 10-Point Priority Programs for 2022

The Export Development Council (EDC) lauds the Bureau of Customs (BOC) for laying out their 10-Point Priority Program for 2022 during the Media Fellowship Meeting on 27 January 2022 at the Port Area, Manila and via Zoom Conference. Such programs are geared towards full automation of Customs procedures to eliminate face to face transactions. More importantly, Import and Export-related programs are also highlighted including the full implementation of the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) Program and enhancement of trade facilitation.

For more details on this story, kindly click this link.MRJ 

PH Electronics export performance soar to greater heights amid the pandemic

The Semiconductor and Electronics Industries in the Philippines Foundation, Inc. (SEIPI) Electronics Export earmarked the growth of the Electronics Export for the year 2021. Based on the Philippine Import and Export Statistics of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), electronics exports rose to US$45.92 billion in 2021 which is 12.90% higher than the US$ 40.67 billion in 2020. For more information, visit

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PH Ambassador deposits the ATA Carnet Instrument of Accession to the Istanbul Convention in Brussels

Philippine Ambassador to Belgium, Luxembourg, and the European Union Eduardo José A. de Vega deposited the ATA Carnet Instrument of Accession (IA) to the World Customs Organization (WCO), in the presence of Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya, in Brussels on 17 January 2022.

Said IA was originally signed by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte on 23 June 2020 and was amended on 28 April 2021, following DOF’s manifested reservations. The Senate concurred through Resolution no. 832 on 23 August 2021.

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New regulations to be implemented on food product exports to China

China heightened food safety management measures through the issuance of the General Administration of Customs of China (GACC) Decree nos. 248 and 249. Overseas producers of food exports to China shall abide by these regulations to obtain GACC certification. This means “No GACC certificate, No import to China”. This said policy will be implemented on 01 January 2022. 

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ARTA reiterates to LGUs the ban of imposition of illegal fees

The Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA) conducted an info-session to raise awareness for the existence of JMC 2021-01 or the “Omnibus Guidelines on the Suspension of LGU Imposition and Collection of Illegal Fees and Taxes Relative to the Transport of Goods and Products”. This was due to several reports that some LGUs are still collecting pass-through fees and taxes from vehicles transporting goods despite several directives for its ban.

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$49 billion unrealized export potential in the Philippines

The Philippines currently has $49 billion of unrealized export potential according to the International Trade Centre‘s (ITC) Export Potential Assessment (EPA) report. This is out of the $107 billion total export potential of the Philippines in the products covered by the study, 

The top market where the Philippines has the largest export potential (EP) is East Asia with $54 billion followed by North America, ASEAN, and the EU.

The top sector is machinery and electronic equipment which covers almost 75% of export potential. The other top sectors are manufactured products, horticulture, minerals, metals, and other products.

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