DOT underscores its 7-Point Agenda

To address the challenges in the tourism and hospitality sector, the Department of Tourism (DOT) presented its 7-Point Agenda:

Improving Tourism Infrastructure and Accessibility;
Cohesive and Comprehensive Digitalization and Connectivity;
Enhancement of Overall Tourist Experience;
Equalization of Tourism Product Development and Promotion;
Diversification of Portfolio through Multidimensional Tourism;
Maximization of Domestic Tourism; and,
Strengthening Tourism Governance through Close Collaboration with LGUs and Stakeholders. 

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World Bank Report: A New Dawn for Global Value Chain Participation in the Philippines

The report provides a holistic approach to the post-COVID-19 recovery that brings out opportunities for the Philippines. In recent decades, the World Bank (WB) identified the Philippines as one of the many countries that have climbed the Global Value Chain (GVC) ladder.

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ARTA officially launched the NPRMS and BPLS Operations Manual

Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA) OIC Usec. Ernesto Perez, in partnership with UPPAF Respond, Chief of Party, Dr. Enrico Basilio, officially launched the National Policy on Regulatory Management System (NPRMS) and Business Permit and Licensing Systems (BPLS) Operations Manual during the Better Regulations Summit with the theme: “Enabling Regulatory Reforms Toward Bureaucratic Efficiency” at the PICC on 07 October 2022. 

The partner agencies and private stakeholders signed an Expression of Commitment to signify recognition and support for ARTA’s initiatives toward digital innovation and modernization in implementing the NPRMS program. Section 3 of RA 11032 covers all government offices and agencies, including local government units (LGUs), government-owned or controlled corporations (GOCCs) and other government instrumentalities, that provide services covering business and nonbusiness related transactions, whether located in the Philippines or abroad.

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The Philippine Trade Facilitation Committee (PTFC) releases Roadmap 2022-2028

The Philippine Trade Facilitation Committee (PTFC) releases the Roadmap for 2022-2028. The Roadmap is an action plan that outlines the short- and medium-term activities the Committee will undertake to create a world-class international trade getaway. It also outlines the responsibilities assigned to each of its member agencies, the performance metrics for these activities, the resources needed, and the risks involved in improving trade facilitation from 2022 to 2028.

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PPA suspends port rate hikes and bidding

In compliance with the directive of President Bongbong Marcos to reduce transportation costs, the Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) announced the suspension of port rate hikes and bidding under its Port Terminal Management Regulatory Framework (PTMRF) to give way to its pending review.

In a PortCalls release, it was reported that Department of Transportation Undersecretary Elmer Sarmiento during the 2022 National Maritime Week Celebration also disclosed that PPA is reviewing the possibility to reduce its existing rates.

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EDC chairs the PNSW monitoring and oversight cluster

Nominated to chair the Philippine National Single Window’s (PNSW) Monitoring and Oversight Cluster, the Export Development Council (EDC) shall oversee the coordination of the executive departments and agencies’ participation in and execution of the NSW. The cluster is made up of representatives from various agencies in charge of managing the policies, rules, and standards for approving or granting licenses for the importation and exportation of commodities free from duties and taxes.

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IFEX Philippines recognizes daring and creative food products in Katha Awards 2022

The International Food Exhibition (IFEX) Philippines resumed the onsite trade show after two and half years of lockdown with the pandemic. Daring and creative companies on food exports were recognized during the Katha Awards 2022.

Katha Awards seeks to “strengthen the reputation of the Philippines as a go-to destination for globally competitive Asian food and ingredients by recognizing brands or companies that present new flavor profiles, innovative ideas, unique food fusions, and creative packaging methods in their food products.”

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