The Bureau of Customs and Department of Information and Communications Technology strengthened their partnership through a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) in promoting integration, interoperability, and interconnection of their systems and applications, signed on 15 June 2023.
Under the MOU, DICT will assess BOC’s applications and systems; recommend strategies for improving the bureau’s ICT system, develop additional applications if necessary, and ensure smooth integration. While BOC will be the partner of DICT in providing guidance and support for interoperability. Both parties agreed to abide by all existing laws and regulations including those concerning the budgeting, accounting, and purchasing procedures. Priority shall be given to security measures that are required to protect program implementation.
One of BOC’s primary initiatives under Customs Commissioner Bienvenido Rubio is digitizing customs procedures. According to BOC, the MOU signing represents a significant turning point in the Philippine government’s continuous digital transformation path. The partnership also signifies a “shared vision of establishing a Digital Philippines.
By fostering collaboration and leveraging technology, these agencies aim to enhance customs administration, streamline processes, and deliver exceptional services to stakeholders and the general public. For the full story, please click the link. PLM