Author Archives: edcinforms

Export boost expected from the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership

Export Boost is to be expected from the recently signed Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). It will broaden trade in goods and services, deepening economic integration among the 10 Southeast Asian countries, South Korea, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand.  By far, this is the world’s largest trading agreement bloc covering 30% of the global economic output in the coming years.

RCEP is a “modern and comprehensive type of FTA,” said the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Secretary Ramon Lopez. “…RCEP will cover a lot more areas, not just trade in goods but also in services, investment, intellectual property, micro-SME, e-commerce. New items are now included in the RCEP, better market access for automotive cars, garments, electronics, and even for services such as legal accounting and engineering…” he added. Continue reading Export boost expected from the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership

BSP to standardize MSMEs loan application process

The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) is working with banks on the standardization of the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) loan application process. BSP is also developing the concept note and draft standard loan application form. This initiative aims to streamline/ lessen the requirements of financial institutions and provide more access to MSMEs.

In a press release by the BSP, it has allowed loans to large enterprises and MSMEs to be considered banks’ alternative reserve compliance until end-2022 to help companies affected by the pandemic. Consequently, loans that are guaranteed by the Philippine Guarantee Corporation, the Agricultural Guarantee Fund Pool (AGFP), and the Agricultural Credit Policy Council (ACPC) were assigned a zero percent credit risk weight. This move is meant to encourage banks to lend to small farmers and fisherfolk.

Continue reading BSP to standardize MSMEs loan application process

Bill creating Transportation Safety Board nears enactment

The legislation creating the Philippine Transportation Safety Board is nearing enactment after hurdling the House Appropriation Committee on Wednesday, 18 November 2020. The bill was previously approved jointly by the Transportation and Government Reorganization Committees. The Senate has earlier approved its version on the third and final reading.

The PTSB shall be a non-regulatory and autonomous agency attached to and under the general supervision of the Office of the President. It shall be the primary agency responsible for the conduct of impartial investigation on transportation-related accidents and incidents. The main
objectives of the PTSB are: (a) to improve transportation safety measures that will help in the prevention of transportation accidents and mitigation of dangers to human lives and property; and (b) to ensure the implementation of transportation safety standards. Continue reading Bill creating Transportation Safety Board nears enactment

Export shipment tips for saving up and managing freight Cost

Exporters were given tips on how to save up and manage their freight cost in the recently conducted forum of the Center for International Trade Expositions and Missions (CITEM) as a part of the capacity and community building activities for FAME+. CITEM Executive Director Ms. Pauline Suaco-Juan stated that one of the prevailing issues that exporters face is the shipping cost. Speakers of the said forum provided the necessary information to help exporters in navigating costs and consolidation in shipping.

Ms. Marilyn Alberto of the Philippine Multimodal Transport and Logistics Assoc., Inc. (PMTLAI) said that the law of supply and demand affects airfreight pricing especially at this time of pandemic as flight frequency has been reduced. Following are some tips given by Ms. Alberto to ensure efficient shipping by air amid challenges:

Continue reading Export shipment tips for saving up and managing freight Cost

SAVE THE DATE for the National Export Congress 2020

The Department of Trade and Industry-Export Marketing Bureau (DTI-EMB), Export Development Council (EDC) and the Philippine Exporters Confederation, Inc. (PHILEXPORT) cordially invites all exporters, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), government policy makers, trade support institutions, the academe, and international organizations and other relevant stakeholders  to save the date and participate in this year’s first virtual National Export Congress (NEC) 2020 on 03 December 2020, 8:00AM to 4:30 PM via Zoom with the theme “Digitalization Boost: Invigorating Exports in the New Normal”.   

The congress will showcase how exporting companies adapted to the abrupt digital transformation, what best practices were applied,  business model used and lesson learned in trying to keep business going in spite of the pandemic. How did successful businesses and exporters leveraged on their digital transformation strategies and activities, foster innovations by developing new systems, and improving current digital tools. On the other hand, how did the government helped the country and what policy reforms were crafted in mitigating the effects of the pandemic as well as boosting the economy and invigorating the export sector as a niche for rebuilding our nation? These will all be addressed in the upcoming NEC 2020. See you online!

PPA proposes rates for out-of-gauge cargoes and foreign empty containers   

The Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) presented their proposed arrastre, stevedoring, and storage rates for out-of-gauge (OOG) cargoes, and arrastre rates for empty foreign containers during their 1 October 2020 public hearing.

The proposed OOG rate will be using the multiplier factor of 3. Meaning, for the existing arrastre fee of a 20-foot container amounting to Php 3,516.00, the proposed OOG rate will be Php 10,548.00.

PPA justified that the 300% increase is based on the reason that while a regular 40-foot container’s average freight amount is approximately $500, a 40-foot OOG container’s average freight amount ranges from $1300 – $2500 for the equivalent route, depicting 2.6x to 5x surcharge. This then provides an average surcharge of 3.8x.  Continue reading PPA proposes rates for out-of-gauge cargoes and foreign empty containers   

ARTA launches program NEHEMIA for the logistics sector

The Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA) launched Program NEHEMIA for the Logistics Sector, making it the third sector launched among the five identified sectors under the program.

ARTA’s Program for National Effort for the Harmonization of Efficient Measures of Inter-Related Agencies (NEHEMIA) is a sectoral-based streamlining effort aimed to reduce time, costs, requirements, and procedures in the government sector. One of the five identified sectors is the logistics sector, along with the common towers and interconnectivity sector, the housing sector, the food pharmaceutical sector, and the energy sector.

One initiative under this program is the replacement of multiple stickers on trucks/cargoes with a unified logistics pass in the form of QR code that will be issued by LTFRB. ARTA’s Deputy Director General and EDC-NCTL’s Co-Chair Atty. Ernesto Perez elaborated, “The cargo that will be issued of this pass will be recognized by the ports, and also by other government agencies and LGUs, allowing it unimpeded from its point of origin to its point of destination”.  Moreover, he added that they “will make sure that there will be no duplication of requirements.”, and there will be a substantial reduction in the steps of the procedure to 73%, and the number of days processing from 271 days to 35 days (87% reduction) for land transport only.

This system is also said to be integrated with the Central Business Portal and BOC’s E-TRACC System.

DOTr Secretary Arthur Tugade expresses the Department’s full support and commitment to the project, reiterating that its objectives are aligned with their goals to remove red tape and reduce processing time.

Other than Sec. Tugade, DTI Secretary Lopez, DILG Undersecretary Densing, and Cabinet Secretary Nograles also graced the event and expressed support through their speeches. As CabSec Nograles stated, “The development of issuance of a unified logistics pass will allow free and faster movement of goods from point to point. On the other end, we hope to achieve the target of a 52% decrease in steps, requirements, cost, and time for government services in the logistics sector and eliminate the silo system and the lack of interconnection among agencies. This is aligned under the Philippine Development Plan, ensuring people-centered, clean, and efficient governance, specifically on achieving interoperability of government processes of becoming one connected government.”

“The train of red-tape is indeed on the move; inside it are the hopes and aspirations of the Filipino people for a more streamlined, and e-governance centered government.”, said ARTA Director-General Jeremiah Belgica.

This initiative “will not just lessen the cost of transport, this will also give more employment opportunities to help our MSMEs. It is also seen to lessen the price of commodities, benefiting not only the country but the people whom we owe our loyalty and service as public servants.”, added Deputy Director General Perez. KJDA

BOC grants certified exporters to self-certify CO application under the AWSC scheme

The ASEAN Wide Self Certification Scheme (AWSC) allows exporters, who have proven their competence, to be eligible for the preferential treatment under the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA) through self-certification. As such, application of the Certificate of Origin (CO) Form D is no longer required once an exporter qualified the Certified Exporters (CE) status. However, e-Form D and paper-based Form D will still be used by the exporters who have not acquired the CE status. This will bring practical benefits, reducing cost and shipment delays, in processing export cargoes even during non-work hours and weekends.

The Bureau of Customs’ Export Coordination Division (BOC-ECD) will recommend to the BOC Assessment and Operations Coordinating Group (AOCG) to grant exporters the CE statusEligibility criteria includes the exporter/signatory of the certificate to have an in-depth knowledge about the Rules of Origin (ROO) procedures. CE are obliged to submit a quarterly summary report of all Origin Declarations to the ECD.  Continue reading BOC grants certified exporters to self-certify CO application under the AWSC scheme

Virtual BIDA Competition held successfully

Virtual BIDA Competition held successfully

PCCI successfully held its first-ever virtual Business Idea Development Award or BIDA Award on 21 and 23 September 2020 with the theme: Business Resiliency through Innovation and Entrepreneurship”. The competition usually is face-to-face, where students were to present their business plans before a panel of meticulous judges. Thanks to technology, the event pushed through via zoom, an online platform. From their homes’ comfort, the student-contestants with their coaches virtually defended their presentations to the judges, including the Q & A portion.

Several teams from state colleges and universities nationwide submitted their business plans subject to pre-screening before the selected PCCI Education Subcommittee members in the Food, Non-food, Services, and Technology categories of BIDA 2020. After the pre-screening, the judges’ panel narrowed down the entries to twelve (12), having three (3) for each category. This year, two (2) teams, each from St. Louis University and Malayan Colleges of Laguna, bagged the top awards for the four (4) categories. Continue reading Virtual BIDA Competition held successfully

Environmental Management Bureau defers implementation of General Effluent Standards

The Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) of the Department of Environment and National Resources defers the implementation of the General Effluent Standards (GES) under DAO- 2016-08. Said standards applies to all point sources of pollution, regardless of volume, that discharge to receiving body of water or land and shall be used regardless of the industry category.

A Technical Committee, Sub-Committees, Core Group, and Secretariat were created for the review and assessment of the Water Quality Guidelines and General Effluent Standards of 2016 based on EMB’s special order.

With the ongoing review, implementation of Dissolved Copper, Sulfate, Boron, Phosphate, and Ammonia, under the GES of DAO 2016-08 is recommended to be postponed until the amended DAO-2016-08 is approved. This initiative will help exporters to cut additional penalty charges in compliance with the said GES policy. –MRJ