MV IRIS Paoay, the first PH flag ship to cross the Pacific in 30 years in September 2021, will once again sail to the US in December this year. Similar to its maiden voyage, it will also be a direct, non-stop service between the Philippines (MNL-CEB-DVO) and the US at Pier A, Long Beach Port (LGB) Port in Los Angeles. Continue reading MV Iris Paoay’s second voyage to cross the Pacific in mid-December 2021
Author Archives: edcinforms
Senate concurs Convention on Temporary Admission ‘ATA Carnet System’
The Senate concurred the ratification of the Convention on Temporary Admission (CTA), also known as the ATA Carnet System, on 08 November 2021. Resolution no. 128 was adopted, having 22 out of the 24 Senators voted in favorably for its concurrence.
The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) will deposit the Instrument of Accession to the ATA and Istanbul Convention. This will then make the Philippines, the 88th member-state of the Carnet family. Continue reading Senate concurs Convention on Temporary Admission ‘ATA Carnet System’
SBCorp continues financial assistance to affected businesses amid the ongoing pandemic
The Small Business Corporation (SBCorp), the lending arm of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), continues to provide financial assistance to affected micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), cooperatives, hospitals, tourism business, and repatriated or displaced Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) by the COVID-19 pandemic under the Bayanihan CARES (COVID-19 Assistance to Restart Enterprises).
Bayanihan CARES was launched in October 2020 with PhP 8.08 billion funds thru equity infusion was allocated to SBCorp under the Bayanihan 2 Act. This is an interest-free and collateral-free financing program wherein the borrower MSMEs will only need to pay a one-time service fee, which is set at a maximum of eight (8) percent for a 4-year loan term. Continue reading SBCorp continues financial assistance to affected businesses amid the ongoing pandemic
SAVE THE DATE: National Export Congress 2021

PPA defers upward cargo and passenger tariff adjustment

In a letter dated October 22, 2021, transmitted to Export Development Council (EDC) Chairman Ramon Lopez, PPA informed that the postponement of the above-mentioned discussions have been decided on at their Executive Committee meeting held on August 17, 2021.
It has been reported early this year that MNHPI has a pending application of a 15.33% upward cargo handling tariff and passenger fee.
Continue reading PPA defers upward cargo and passenger tariff adjustment
BOC clarified errors not fined under CAO 1-2020

Continue reading BOC clarified errors not fined under CAO 1-2020
EDC and Industry Leaders support full investment liberalization outside of the natural monopolies
The Export Development Council (EDC) manifests its support on the full investment liberalization outside of the natural monopolies through a joint statement of support with the Industry Leaders, namely the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI), Philippine Exporters Confederation, Inc. (PHILEXPORT), Employers Confederation of the Philippines (ECOP), and Supply Chain Management Association of the Philippines (SCMAP).
With the group mentioned, EDC strongly opposes moves to return transportation, telecommunication, and power generation back to the definition of Public Utilities. Continue reading EDC and Industry Leaders support full investment liberalization outside of the natural monopolies
Mindanao-based Reefer Line offers US shipping services at lower cost
There is a silver lining on the issue of lack of vessel space and containers, as another Philippine shipping company based in Mindanao, the Reefer Express Line Filipinas, Inc. takes on long haul US route with its vessel MV Cool Spirit to help the exporters ship their goods amid the current global transport and logistics problem. The voyage started from General Santos City last 02 September 2021. Continue reading Mindanao-based Reefer Line offers US shipping services at lower cost
PHILEXPORT P30: A Program for Resilient Philippine Exporters
The Philippine Exporters Confederation, Inc. (PHILEXPORT) is launching a digitalization program to ensure business sustainability and resiliency amid the pandemic’s economic consequences.
Executive Vice President Senen Perlada introduced the PHILEXPORT: 30 and Future Ready, or simply P30, at the organization’s third general membership meeting on September 14, 2021. P30 would also be the theme of the PHILEXPORT’s 30th anniversary in October 2022.
The program has a two-pronged approach: aiming to leverage technology to enhance business decision-making; and fostering stakeholders’ collaboration. Increasing productivity and business continuity while saving resources and continuously moving forward. Continue reading PHILEXPORT P30: A Program for Resilient Philippine Exporters
Royal Cargo commences maiden voyage to LA by mid-September
The Royal Cargo, Inc. (RCI) will commence its maiden voyage to Los Angeles by mid-September this year. Its launch will be made through one of the vessels of Iris Logistics Inc. (Iris Paoay), a Philippine shipping company 80% owned by RCI. Iris Paoay is a general container cargo vessel with 1100 TEUs capacity.
The maiden voyage will be a direct, non-stop service between the Philippines (MNL-CEB-DVO) and the US (LA). Continue reading Royal Cargo commences maiden voyage to LA by mid-September