$49 billion unrealized export potential in the Philippines

The Philippines currently has $49 billion of unrealized export potential according to the International Trade Centre‘s (ITC) Export Potential Assessment (EPA) report. This is out of the $107 billion total export potential of the Philippines in the products covered by the study, 

The top market where the Philippines has the largest export potential (EP) is East Asia with $54 billion followed by North America, ASEAN, and the EU.

The top sector is machinery and electronic equipment which covers almost 75% of export potential. The other top sectors are manufactured products, horticulture, minerals, metals, and other products.

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International Certification is Key for greater Market Access

Usec. Macatoman

International Certification is key for Greater Market Access.  This was highlighted by DTI Trade Promotions Group Undersecretary Abdulgani Macatoman as he provided insights on what to expect for the Usapang Exports Day 1 morning session.  He emphasized that the session “aims to provide specific information on the importance of securing product certification, inspection and testing standards for market compliance” which will allow businesses to sell to targeted markets and remain competitive globally.

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SAVE THE DATE: National Export Congress 2021

The Department of Trade and Industry-Export Marketing Bureau (DTI-EMB), Export Development Council (EDC) and the Philippine Exporters Confederation, Inc. (PHILEXPORT) cordially invites all exporters, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), government policymakers, trade support institutions, the academe, and international organizations and other relevant stakeholders to save the date and participate in this year’s virtual National Export Congress (NEC) 2021 on 07 December 2021, 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM via Zoom and other Social media platforms with the theme ” A.R.I.S.E. Exports: Accelerate Rebuilding, Innovation, Support, and Empowerment of Philippine Exports”.

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PHILEXPORT P30: A Program for Resilient Philippine Exporters

The Philippine Exporters Confederation, Inc. (PHILEXPORT) is launching a digitalization program to ensure business sustainability and resiliency amid the pandemic’s economic consequences.

Executive Vice President Senen Perlada introduced the PHILEXPORT: 30 and Future Ready, or simply P30, at the organization’s third general membership meeting on September 14, 2021. P30 would also be the theme of the PHILEXPORT’s 30th anniversary in October 2022. 

The program has a two-pronged approach: aiming to leverage technology to enhance business decision-making; and fostering stakeholders’ collaboration. Increasing productivity and business continuity while saving resources and continuously moving forward.

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Reengineering Manual towards efficient Philippine government public service launched

The Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA) virtually launched the Reengineering Manual towards Efficient Philippine government services. A reference that supports the whole-of-government approach in streamlining Philippine government systems and procedures in delivering public services. This initiative is the result of a Memorandum of Understanding between the UK Government and ARTA signed last 4 February 2020.

The manual aims to help realize the vision of AmbisyonNatin 2040, and is divided into four parts: 

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The Global Islamic Economy adapts to the new normal

The Global Islamic economy adapts to the new normal in the global market, which involves Halal food, modest fashion, media & recreation, Muslim-friendly travel, Halal pharmaceuticals, Halal cosmetics, and Islamic finance. 

The Halal food industry continues to grow even if the meat supply chain has been disrupted by the pandemic. Consumers were exposed to the consumption of alternatives to animal protein (e.g., plant-based burgers). Halal cosmetics were also affected, but the industry remains resilient and adapted to the trend in the new normal, which created the opportunity for new product lines such as hand and face creams and sanitizers.

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Consumer demand for healthier food ingredients

Exporters foresee consumer demand for healthier food ingredients trending in the next two years as London-based market research firm Mintel Group Ltd forecasted consumers will demand food ingredients that will benefit their physical and mental health. Consumers are now seeking ways to help strengthen their immune system and protect them against the Covid-19 virus.

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Free Pesticide Residue Analysis test for agricultural export products reinstated by DA

Secretary of Agriculture William Dar directed the Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI) and its satellite laboratories to reinstated the free Pesticide Residue Analysis (PRA) tests to duly accredited exporters and farmers in order to boost the country’s agricultural exports.

The Department of Agriculture (DA) released Administrative Order No. 11, discontinuing the charging of fees for all fresh and primary processed fruits and vegetables for export. This came about as the result of an appeal to the DA and BPI made by the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI), the Philippine Exporters Confederation, Inc. (PHILEXPORT), and the Philippine Food Exporters (PHILFOODEX), led by EDC Vice Chair Sergio Ortiz-Luis, Jr. and EDC Agriculture Sector Representative Roberto Amores.

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TIEZA promotes the online release of the Travel Tax Exemption Certificate

The Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA) promotes the online release of the  Travel Tax Exemption Certificate (TEC). This initiative makes it easier for the traveling exporter to get their TEC online. 

Once TIEZA approves the online application, exporters can print the TEC at the convenience of their home or office.  The following requirements are to be observed by exporters in applying for the online release of TEC:

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