The ARISE Plus Philippines developed a business guide on exporting to the European Union (EU) Market to provide information on (1) opportunities available for businesses in the Philippines to access the EU market, including the Generalized Scheme of Preferences Plus (GSP+) and on the (2) key technical and regulatory requirements to comply with to export from the PH and place products in the EU market.
Business Guide has two (2) types: the General Guide, which provides an overview of PH export to the EU, detailed technical requirements on labeling, packaging, quality, and standard requirements in the EU market, and guidance on determining the applicability of the EU GSP + scheme to the exporters’ products. And the Sector-Specific Guide includes the detailed elements of a specific sector: Agricultural products, Food products, Textiles and Garments, Electrical Products and Electronics, Machinery, and Equipment.
The sectors were identified based on the export priorities for the Philippines, export potential, and their inclusion in the EU GSP+ scheme.
These Guides were presented at the Department of Trade and Industry-Export Marketing Bureau’s (DTI-EMB) Usapang Exports entitled “Exporting Agri-Products to EU Market: Opportunities & Requirements.”
DTI-EMB partnered with the International Trade Center (ITC) to help boost the competitiveness of the Philippine domestic manufacturers as well as the existing and aspiring exporters in the EU market. The Bureau recognized that, to date, the EU remains the Philippines’ largest exporting market.
For more details, visit the Arise Plus Philippines Facebook page and Tradelines Philippines. PKC