The Bureau of Customs (BOC) upholds the strict implementation of the Online Release System (OLRs) effective on 11 January 2021. It requires the proper format of the registry number when filling out the export Single Administrative Document (SAD) in the Electronic-to-Mobile (E2M) system. Clerical errors due to incorrect registry numbers indicated in the export declaration is subjected to a PHP 5,000.00 fine as stipulated under AOCG Memo 25-2021 ‘Guidelines on the Wrong Encoding of Registry Numbers in the Export Declaration in the E2M System’ in accordance with CAO 1-2020.
The OLRS is used in processing imports and exports to ensure that duties and taxes were paid before goods were released outside the BOC Jurisdiction.
Such changes were applied to improve Customs Modernization programs. Dep Com Dy Buco (BOC-AOCG) emphasized, during the Customs processes for exports webinar, that the Bureau will strengthen exportation processes this 2021, as one of their 10-point priority programs.
“More export means more income opportunity for every Filipino”, He added.
However, exporters experienced delays due to incorrect registry number format and wrong location of goods. Said delays caused shut-out charges which also incurred additional fees.
On the same webinar, Mr. Francis John Pineda (E-Konek) advised the transacting public to follow the correct format in filling out the SAD as follows:
- For the registry number:
- Sea freight- First three letter initial of Shipping lines+ Sequential number starting with 0001 per year + (-) + last 2 digits of the current year. (e.g., AAA9999-21)
- Airfreight- Airline prefix + X + Sequential number starting with 0001 per year + (-) + last 2 digits of the current year. (e.g., AAAX9999-21)
- For the location of goods:
- P02A (Port of Manila)- S01 (Asian Terminals, Inc.)
- P02B (Manila International Container Port)- S03 (ICTSI) or S04 (non-containerized)
Exporters may reach E-Konek and BOC at contactus@ekonek.com and jenny.diokno@customs.gov.ph respectively. They can also utilize the Bureau of Customs – Port of Manila Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/bocpom to echo and message their concerns.
The abovementioned webinar is conducted by the DTI-Export Marketing Bureau, in collaboration with the Philippine Exporters Confederation, Inc., and the Export Development Council on 27 January 2021. –MRJ