The Bureau of Customs (BOC) implements the Electronic Tracking of Containerized Cargo System (E-TRACC), a real-time monitoring system of containerized cargoes using GPS-enabled electronic locks (e-lock), provided by Ascent Solutions Philippines, Inc. The said system is designed to ensure the safe transport of containerized cargoes onto its designated destination. For this, importers/exporters are mandated to pay for every container (thru online facilities) P500.00, within 10km. radius from the port of discharge and P700.00 if beyond 10km. radius from the port.
BOC assured there will be no delays as they are ready with the manpower to put and remove the sealed e-lock 24/7 without any additional costs to the importers/exporters. Additionally, this new system will reduce the costs of doing business as Underguarding and Overtime for Customs personnel will be eliminated.
The E-TRACC will be rolled-out initially at the Manila International Container Port (MICP), Port of Manila (POM), and Port of Batangas (POB) by middle of July this year.
BOC is said to coordinate with the agencies that have an overlapping system, i.e., the Philippine Economic Zone Authority’s (PEZA) seal, to formally release a guideline on what the importers/exporters will do and/or use to avoid redundant compliance of regulation/s.
For the guidance of the general public on this new system, The Bureau is requested to post Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) at their website www.customs.gov.ph and other official social media accounts any time soon.
The implementing rules and regulations (CAO 15-2019), of the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act of 2016 is manifested under the guidelines stipulated under the CMO 04-2020 that implements the E-TRACC System. –MRJ