PPA proposes rates for out-of-gauge cargoes and foreign empty containers

The Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) presented their proposed arrastre, stevedoring, and storage rates for out-of-gauge (OOG) cargoes, and arrastre rates for empty foreign containers during their 1 October 2020 public hearing.

The proposed OOG rate will be using the multiplier factor of 3. Meaning, for the existing arrastre fee of a 20-foot container amounting to Php 3,516.00, the proposed OOG rate will be Php 10,548.00.

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ARTA launches program NEHEMIA for the logistics sector

The Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA) launched Program NEHEMIA for the Logistics Sector, making it the third sector launched among the five identified sectors under the program. 

ARTA’s Program for National Effort for the Harmonization of Efficient Measures of Inter-Related Agencies (NEHEMIA) is a sectoral-based streamlining effort aimed to reduce time, costs, requirements, and procedures in the government sector. One of the five identified sectors is the logistics sector, along with the common towers and interconnectivity sector, the housing sector, the food pharmaceutical sector, and the energy sector.

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BOC grants certified exporters to self-certify CO application under the AWSC scheme

The ASEAN Wide Self Certification Scheme (AWSC) allows exporters, who have proven their competence, to be eligible for the preferential treatment under the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA) through self-certification. As such, application of the Certificate of Origin (CO) Form D is no longer required once an exporter qualified the Certified Exporters (CE) status. However, e-Form D and paper-based Form D will still be used by the exporters who have not acquired the CE status. This will bring practical benefits, reducing cost and shipment delays, in processing export cargoes even during non-work hours and weekends.  

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Virtual BIDA Competition held successfully

PCCI successfully held its first-ever virtual Business Idea Development Award or BIDA Award on 21 and 23 September 2020 with the theme: Business Resiliency through Innovation and Entrepreneurship”. The competition usually is face-to-face, where students were to present their business plans before a panel of meticulous judges. Thanks to technology, the event pushed through via zoom, an online platform. From their homes’ comfort, the student-contestants with their coaches virtually defended their presentations to the judges, including the Q & A portion.

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Environmental Management Bureau defers implementation of General Effluent Standards

The Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) of the Department of Environment and National Resources defers the implementation of the General Effluent Standards (GES) under DAO- 2016-08. Said standards applies to all point sources of pollution, regardless of volume, that discharge to receiving body of water or land and shall be used regardless of the industry category.

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Government supports exporters on COVID-19 challenges faced

The export industry remains resilient and optimistic to face the global health and economic crisis brought by the covid19 pandemic.  
They are now producing in-demand products such as face masks, personal protective equipment (PPE), face shields, and other relevant medical supply needed in this time of pandemic. They have also opened the window to market their products through online platforms. Indeed, these products are potential to the export sector – to cater the world demand in the global market.

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Online System for all port processes and payment made mandatory thru Joint Memorandum Circular

 The online filing, processing, and payment of port charges and other related fees is now made mandatory through a Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC). With the JMC, it is now mandatory for all port users to file their applications online for permits and clearances for the release of cargoes from PPA, BOC, and other port operators including International Container Terminals Services, Inc. (ICTSI), Asian Terminals, Inc. (ATI), and Harbour Centre Port Terminal, Inc. (HCPTI); and payment of corresponding fees shall be done through the accredited banks and payment channels. 

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It pays to know right – MSME financing directory now available

The EDC Networking Committee on Financing came up with a Financing Directory aimed to assist the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) have the option to choose the right financing program suited for their needs. The said directory is a compilation of different loan programs describing their eligibility criteria, requirements and other loan mechanics and processes from commercial banks, government financing institutions, other financing alternatives, venture capital (for start-up businesses), etc. Please note that the directory is based on currently available information and maybe subject to change by the concerned financing institutions/entities.
The said directory can be downloaded from the EDC website: www.edc.net.ph/ncf-updatesGTM 

SBCorp to fund the medium enterprises in the country

Access to finance has been a perennial problem of the country’s MSMEs. Many financing programs were developed by government financing institutions to assist them in growing their businesses, ship their products, develop new products, attend trade shows, etc.  The latest of these many programs is SB Corporations’ (SBCorp) COVID-19 Assistance to Restart Enterprises (CAREs) program to micro and small enterprises for them to recover from losses that their businesses incurred during the pandemic.  All loans from the CAREs program are interest-free and payment starts after six (6) months upon release of the loan and is payable within 18 to 30 months.

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Skills development and the future of work amidst the Coronavirus pandemic

The Corona Virus pandemic never ceases to amaze us- aside from disrupting the economies of the world and changing people’s lives forever, it also made significant positive impact to some aspects of society including the skills we need, how businesses operate as well as the future of work.

To cope up with these trying times, the Employers Confederation of the Philippines (ECOP) came up with a three-month webinar series with an aptly titled theme: “21st Century Employers: Digital, Agile and Resilient”. Topics like automation, digital technology and their roles in the transformation of work brought about by the Fourth Industrial Revolution were discussed. Just as important are the new skills and talent needed to cope up with the new workplace environment were also discussed. 

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