The Philippine National Police of Civil Security Group (PNP-CSG) clarified in a memorandum authorizing the transport of Potassium Nitrate (KNO3) in Aits original solid form. This order will not require potassium nitrate to be diluted in liquid form prior to transport and passing through the PNP checkpoints.
Said chemical in liquid or solid form shall be transported without delay provided that the company has complied valid permits (Permit to Unload, Permit to Purchase and Move, and Permit to Transfer) bearing the appropriate information necessary for its movement (i.e.PPME#, license#, company name, date of issuance and validity, specific purpose, quantity of chemical, port of origin, and destination). This mandate was clarified in a memorandum signed by PMGEN Roberto Fajardo (PNP-CSG) dated16 July 2020.
This concern was raised by the Export Development Council (EDC) Executive Member, Mr. Roberto Amores representing agri/food sector during the EDC Executive Committee Meeting via zoom last 30 June 2020.
Certain exporters from the agricultural groups have resorted to using this chemical due to climate change. Potassium Nitrate is being used for agriculture to ascertain the heat content required to induce flowering. Said chemical was flagged down at specific checkpoints due to its high explosive rate, with this risk it has to be diluted in liquid form prior to transporting.
PNP-Firearms and Explosives Office Chief, BGen. Rommil Mitra assured that the content of the aforesaid memorandum specifically authorizing the transport of potassium nitrate in solid form will be coordinated and disseminated accordingly among their personnel on the grounds/checkpoints to enhance trade facilitation without compromising public health and safety. MRJ